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Summary The segregation of isozymic loci for leaf peroxidases (L2Per) has been investigated in backcrosses and F2 offspring of rye lines having purple seeds (Ps) and monstrosum ears (mo). The Ps, L2Per-3b, mo, and L2Per-2 loci were linked. The Ps and mo loci have been previously located on the 2R chromosome, and the L2Per-3b and L2Per-2 loci have been located on the 2RS chromosome arm. The results favor the gene order Ps ... L2Per-3b ... mo ... L2Per-2 or Ps ... mo... L2Per-3b ... L2Per-2. The position of the loci relative to the centromere is still not known, but the obtained results suggest that the mo locus could be located on the 2RS chromosome arm. On the basis of previously reported linkage groups, the most probable arrangement of the loci located on chromosome 2R is: dw2 ... Ps ... (L2Per-3a ... L2Per-3b ... mo) ... L2Per-2. It has not been possible to know the position of L2Per-4 loci (also located on 2RS chromosome arm) relative to L2Per-3a and L2Per-3b loci.  相似文献   
摘要 目的:探讨胆囊结石患者结石形态学特征及血浆脂多糖(LPS)水平与急性胆源性胰腺炎(ABP)的关系。方法:选取2015年10月~2018年9月期间武汉大学人民医院收治的胆囊结石患者164例为研究对象,分析结石形态学特征与并发ABP的关系,同时采用Logistic回归分析ABP发生的危险因素。将所有患者根据LPS水平分为低LPS组(n=65,<10 pg/mL)以及高LPS组(n=99,≥10 pg/mL),分析血浆LPS水平对不同结石大小、不同总胆固醇(TG)水平患者并发ABP的影响。结果:多发胆囊结石、球状结石、<3 mm结石、软碎型结石患者并发ABP的概率明显高于单发胆囊结石、不规则状结石或泥沙状结石、3~10 mm结石或>10 mm结石、硬型结石或胶冻型结石(P<0.05)。Logistic回归分析结果显示,多发胆囊结石、球状结石、<3 mm结石以及软碎型结石均是ABP发生的高危因素(P<0.05)。当患者处于高TG水平时,高LPS组并发ABP的概率高于低LPS组(P<0.05),在细小结石患者中,高LPS组并发ABP的概率高于低LPS组(P<0.05)。结论:依据结石形态学特征可对胆囊结石患者并发ABP的可能性作出早期的判断,同时血浆LPS水平升高是高TG以及细小胆囊结石患者易并发ABP的重要因素之一。  相似文献   
为了解红厚壳(Calophyllum inophyllum)的抗逆特性,对西沙群岛自然生长的红厚壳叶片的形态解剖、生理生态、以及叶片和适生土壤的元素含量进行了研究。结果表明,红厚壳是阳生性植物,其上表皮厚,海绵组织发达且栅栏组织排列紧密,气孔排列松散且密度小(24.40 mm~(-2)),有利于叶片保水抵御干旱。叶片的叶绿素a、b含量低(分别为0.87和0.43 mg g~(-1)),表明红厚壳具适应强光环境的能力。叶片的MDA含量低(13.46 nmol g~(-1)),PRO含量高(127.89μg g~(-1)),SOD活性高(149.42 U g~(-1)),总抗氧化能力高(388.60 U g~(-1)),显示红厚壳能通过提高自身的抗氧化能力抵御膜脂过氧化伤害。红厚壳自然生长的珊瑚岛土壤较为贫瘠、营养元素含量低,但红厚壳植株体内具有较高的营养元素含量,表明红厚壳营养元素利用率高,对于贫瘠土壤具有很好的适应能力。因此,红厚壳具有较高的抗氧化胁迫能力和耐受干旱的能力,适宜生长在热带珊瑚岛等土壤贫瘠的生境,可以作为热带珊瑚岛防风固沙和植被恢复的工具种。  相似文献   
We use a comprehensive subset of Canarian angiosperms corresponding to 23 families, 35 genera and 60 Canarian endemic taxa to test whether this flora is suitable to taxonomic identification with the two proposed plant DNA barcode sequences and whether these sequences may reveal the existence of cryptic species overlooked by morphology. The rate of discrimination success between the insular congeneric samples using the rbcL+matK combination and a ‘character‐based’ approach (where we use only the combination of nucleotide positions in an alignment that allows unambiguous species identification) is higher (82.29%) than that obtained with the ‘distance‐based’ approach (80.20%) used by the CBOL Plant Working Group in 2009 and also when compared with tests conducted in other floras. This suggests that the molecular identification of the Canarian endemic flora can be achieved as successfully as in other floras where the incidence of radiation is not as relevant. The facts that (i) a distance‐based criterion was unable to discriminate between congeneric and conspecific comparisons and (ii) only the character‐based discrimination criterion resolved cases that the distance‐based criterion did not, further support the use of a character discrimination approach for a more efficient DNA barcoding of floras from oceanic islands like the Canaries. Thus, a barcoding gap seems not to be necessary for the correct molecular characterization of the Canarian flora. DNA barcodes also suggest the possible existence of cryptic taxa to be further investigated by morphology and that the current taxonomic status of some of the taxa analysed may need revision.  相似文献   
国外绿豆种质资源农艺性状的遗传多样性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以来自15个国家和地区的352份绿豆种质资源为材料,评价其5个质量性状和10个数量性状的遗传变异水平。结果表明:除美国等5个不同地区的14份材料未正常开花结荚外,其余338份材料的农艺性状具丰富的遗传变异。其中质量性状中叶形和幼茎色的遗传多样性指数最高(0.69),数量性状中荚长(2.08)和百粒重(2.07)的最高。UPGMA聚类将338份参试材料分为6大类群,各类群有其独特的性状特征,其中第5类群早熟、矮秆、大粒,可为杂交育种亲本选配提供理想亲本。亚蔬(ARC-AVRDC)(泰国)、菲律宾、印度、印度尼西亚、韩国、美国和俄罗斯等7个不同地理区域材料间具有显著的遗传变异,其中俄罗斯的遗传多样性指数最高,韩国最低;印度尼西亚的生育期较短,主茎节数、单荚粒数、单株荚数和单株产量最高,属于早熟、大粒、高产的种质,可以为我国新品种的选育提供基础材料;UPGMA聚类可将这7个不同地理区域的材料划分为3类,其中印尼和韩国的材料各被划分为一类,其他5个国家聚为第Ⅲ类,群体间的性状表现与其地理来源有一定的关系。  相似文献   
为开展四川重要茶树种质资源古蔺牛皮茶种质资源的收集、保存与评价工作,在古蔺牛皮茶树资源中选取了具代表性的8种不同类型茶树(Ⅰ~Ⅷ类)作为研究对象,并对其植物学特征、生物学特性及主要生化成分进行了观测。结果表明:供试茶树在形态特征、遗传和品质性状等方面,表现出较丰富的多样性。其种群多为灌木,树姿半开张状;芽叶绿色,茸毛中等,叶为椭圆形,叶尖渐尖;花多为中花型,花柱3~4裂;果实多为球形和肾形,种子多为球形,主要表现出栽培型茶树性状。古蔺牛皮茶春梢的生化成分含量较丰富,其茶多酚含量为(19.71±0.39)%~(30.16±0.22)%,游离氨基酸总量为(2.20±0.11)%~(4.88±0.12)%,咖啡碱含量为(3.45±0.17)%~(4.41±0.09)%。结合主要生化成分含量、酚/氨值和儿茶素组分等可推论,Ⅴ、Ⅵ类适制红茶,其他类型则适制绿茶。综合供试茶树的形态和生化成分含量特征,初步鉴定供试的牛皮茶树分属茶组植物分类系统中的秃房茶和茶,Ⅴ和Ⅵ类茶树较为原始,其他类型则进化程度较高。供试茶树中存在具育种价值的资源,其中Ⅴ类和Ⅵ类可作为高儿茶素含量的育种材料,Ⅱ类可作为选育优质绿茶品种的育种材料。  相似文献   
水稻籽粒矿质元素含量遗传及主要农艺性状相关性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过了解水稻子粒钙、镁、铜、铁、锌和硒等矿质元素含量,以绿旱1号作为父本与102S、KD36S、7HS012及7HS013不育系为母本进行配组,对父本与杂交后代主要农艺及经济性状、水稻子粒中的矿质元素含量进行了遗传分析,并对各杂交后代的主要农艺性状和子粒中矿质元素含量以及各矿质元素含量间进行了相关性分析.结果表明,杂交后代农艺及经济性状多数表现出超高亲分离现象,且LK3的农艺及经济性状均表现为最好.水稻子粒矿质元素含量与部分农艺和经济性状存在明显的正相关或负相关关系,且K、Mg、Zn、Se等元素含量与水稻产量密切相关.水稻子粒中矿质元素含量大小依次为P>K >Mg >S> Ca> Mn >Fe >Zn >Cu >Se,4个杂交后代的K元素含量表现出超高亲分离现象,LK2、LK3和LK4的Fe元素含量也表现出超高亲分离现象.水稻子粒大量与微量元素之间相关性最高,微量元素之间相关性次之,大量元素之间相关性最小,以7HS012不育系为母本得到的杂交后代农艺性状表现较好,矿质元素含量最高,7HS013次之,其他不育系表现一般.本研究为选育出耐旱及营养价值高的水稻新品种母本的选择提供了理论依据.  相似文献   
Parents should differentially invest in sons or daughters depending on the sex‐specific fitness returns from male and female offspring. In species with sexually selected heritable male characters, highly ornamented fathers should overproduce sons, which will be more sexually attractive than sons of less ornamented fathers. Because of genetic correlations between the sexes, females that express traits which are under selection in males should also overproduce sons. However, sex allocation strategies may consist in reaction norms leading to spatiotemporal variation in the association between offspring sex ratio (SR) and parental phenotype. We analysed offspring SR in barn swallows (Hirundo rustica) over 8 years in relation to two sexually dimorphic traits: tail length and melanin‐based ventral plumage coloration. The proportion of sons increased with maternal plumage darkness and paternal tail length, consistently with sexual dimorphism in these traits. The size of the effect of these parental traits on SR was large compared to other studies of offspring SR in birds. Barn swallows thus manipulate offspring SR to overproduce ‘sexy sons’ and potentially to mitigate the costs of intralocus sexually antagonistic selection. Interannual variation in the relationships between offspring SR and parental traits was observed which may suggest phenotypic plasticity in sex allocation and provides a proximate explanation for inconsistent results of studies of sex allocation in relation to sexual ornamentation in birds.  相似文献   
Gy?rgy Makranczy 《ZooKeys》2015,(509):141-146
The previously unknown male of Leptotyphlus kovaci Šustek, 2000 is described and illustrated. The relationship of the species is discussed. The species is also reported from Gemerskoteplická jaskyňa near Jelšavská Teplica (Slovakia).  相似文献   
利用光学显微镜和扫描电镜对20个野生百合种或变种的叶表皮进行了系统观察和比较分析,结果表明:(1)20种野生百合气孔器均分布于叶片远轴面,气孔器的长轴与远轴面细胞长轴方向一致,均位于远轴面细胞的端点处。气孔器形状从长椭圆形到近圆形不等;保卫细胞均为肾形,无副卫细胞,保卫细胞表面角质层均具条纹;表皮细胞角质层近于光滑或具条纹,均具蜡质,蜡质纹饰呈膜片状晶体或颗粒状;气孔密度、气孔器大小、近轴面远轴面细胞、垂周壁样式差异较大。(2)聚类分析表明,兰州百合、川百合、卷丹百合、紫斑百合、乳头百合、宝兴百合、山丹百合、大理百合、绿花百合、毛百合和有斑百合聚为类群Ⅰ;淡黄花百合、岷江百合和玫红百合3个野生种聚为类群Ⅱ;青岛百合单独为类群Ⅲ;宜昌百合、紫脊百合、通江百合、百合和野百合聚为类群Ⅳ,聚类结果总体上支持形态学分类的结果。(3)叶表皮形态对于区分野生百合不同种具有重要的分类学价值。  相似文献   
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